Come Up Higher Report (Empowerment Program)
January 23, 2021 2021-09-19 3:04Come Up Higher Report (Empowerment Program)
Come Up Higher Report (Empowerment Program)
The past days of 19th- 27th March was spent by COME—Center for Outreach, Mentorship & Empowerment (COME) at Valley View University(VVU) in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. It was at the call of the University to the Executive Director, Godswill T.K. Mensah—an alumnus of VVU. Our objective for the period was to educate, empower and reorient students, staff, and faculty in their pursuit to finding meaning and living a life of impact. The theme was “Come Up Higher”—a weeklong hope-enhancing and faith-empowering Bible-centered series destined to inspire, challenge, and encourage the entire Valley View University community and beyond towards the unrelenting pursuit of God’s ideal regardless of the world’s direction.
On daily basis, we invested an average of 7 hours (morning and evening presentations’ accounted for about 3 hours in direct training and 4 hours dedicated to one-on-one consultation and focus groups discussions) in the life of these students from different countries and religious persuasions across the continent. The university community and viewers across the globe was challenged with messages anchored on the relevance of one’s identity, purpose, a life of service, vision, and conviction in the larger scheme of living a life of meaning and impact through various social media platforms and Hope TV Ghana. Calls were made on daily basis for all who care to listen to COMPLETELY embrace Christ’s exemplary life of integrity, leadership excellence and service. These principles are in keeping with COME’S ideals:
An Africa where young professionals of high integrity excel in their careers, leading initiatives of services to transform society.
To empower students and young professionals through leadership development, mentorship, research and outreach.
The feedback of a leading Student Representative Councilmember sums up the impact of our work on the students:
“Your presence has defiled the norm of using “yellow card” as machinery to mobilize students for…programs. Before this year, the common saying was “Let me go and sign my yellow Card”